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Redwood Lodge Road Bridge

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Built Bridge and Repaired Storm-Damaged Road at Three Locations 

Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. is a leader in bridge construction for public works projects. Functioning as the general contractor for the County of Santa Cruz, the team delivered multi-scope capabilities to successfully launch a new temporary Acrow bridge and repair landside failures.

During Construction


Marlin Murray, Project Manager, Joseph J Albanese Inc.

“For the County of Santa Cruz, we installed a new bridge

and repaired landslide failures at three locations on Redwood Lodge Road as well as restored through access to area roads and highways."

— Marlin Murray, Project Manager, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.

At Joseph J. Albanese, Inc., we are committed to getting the job done safely with relentless and deliberate execution. Our team is devoted to bringing the highest level of quality to every project we do for our clients.

Redwood Lodge Road Bridge
County of Santa Cruz, California


Redwood Lodge Road Bridge

Laurel, California

Soquel Area of Santa Cruz Mountains


After a series of landslides at four locations along Redwood Lodge Road, the Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. team delivered multi-scope capabilities to successfully launch a new temporary Acrow bridge and repair landside failures for the County of Santa Cruz.


This road is particularly important as it connects Highway 17 with Old San Jose Road, providing secondary access for residents and emergency services. This road also serves as a shortcut to San Jose for commuters living in the area.




  • Functioned as the Prime Contractor and delivered multi-scope capabilities, giving the County a single point of contact

  • Performed multi-scope capabilities, including Excavation, Demolition, Grading & Paving, Structural Concrete, Site Concrete, Sawcutting & Coredrilling, Virtual Construction and Bridge Construction

  • Provided Grading and Paving for the finished bridge and other repair locations

  • Repaired 5,000-cubic-yard landslide to gain access to construct Acrow bridge

  • Performed partial demolition of the old 10-foot steel culvert that was crushed by a landslide and had the potential to cause flooding if not removed

  • Installed a new 20-foot-wide, two-lane, military-style Acrow steel bridge

  • Repaired landslide with soldier pile wall at one of the failure locations

  • Maintained road access for residents during construction

  • Facilitated smooth communication with the County and local residents

  • Implemented Virtual Construction, including GPS to ensure accurate implementation



  • Built a new bridge and repaired roads after four landslides

  • Repaired a 5,000-cubic-yard landslide to re-open 

  • Replaced failed 10-foot culvert with a pre-manufactured bridge to enable the damaged road to reopen

  • Assembled bridge on-site and launched into place

  • Utilized GPS to model and build the project


Our Advantage for Public Works Projects:


  • We can function as your Prime Contractor or subcontractor

  • We are a one-stop-shop of multiple capabilities from a single source

  • We have the skilled manpower to get big jobs done

  • We own our own equipment and use the right equipment for the job

  • We are technologically advanced, both in the office and in the field

  • We get it done safely

Redwood Lodge Road Bridge

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